To all the moms, moms-to-be, "just-like-moms," wish or hope to be moms, birth moms, grandmas, great-grandmas, etc. etc. etc. May this be a beautiful day. Remember you are loved by your family, your ancestors who are beyond the veil and most especially, by God.
I am privileged to be the mom to six great kids and grandma to 16, going on 17. Unfortunately when they were all here in March, rain kept us from updating our family photo when they all came for dinner at my place. It was pretty chaotic and crowded with no place large enough to line everyone up. In this case more is better; just not in photographs!
I got an early Mother's Day gift from Aubrey and Steve on Saturday. It was Aubrey's idea but Steve's brawn. He came and helped me clean the garage. I currently have lots of stuff in there - some of it is stored stuff that belongs to kids. We need to eliminate some more of the excess, but before he left, Steve O made sure I could park my car inside again. This was a great, selfless gift.
I also got lots done in my yard. Still much to do, but I made a huge dent in the spring chores. My lawn looks nice and I even edged it. Emma and Josh helped me plant the tomato plants. Now I need to buy a few more plants for the garden, finish weeding the flower beds (I got about 50% done), and put in the annuals.
Today, Krista and Justin are hosting a Mother's Day dinner so it eased my Saturday, not having to worry about much tomorrow. And it's nice to have Sunday to rest and catch up, visit family. We will miss Chris, Kiyomi and their kids. I know why the Lord had to assign a "day of rest" - some of us wouldn't know when to quit.
Mother of the Year speaks out on decency.
The new Utah Mother of the Year, Karmel Larsen, is on a quest for decency. She said, ""How I define 'decency' is promoting anything that promotes strong family values or speaking out against profanity, violence, indecency, pornography. Anything in the media that pulls down society's values is what I want to speak out against." I can't think of many agendas that would have a greater impact on families and society. Read more about her here.
I get the title, Mom, because of these people...
Thank you for blogging about Decency and promoting the article I was featured in. I hope to spread this message to all of Utah and your help in sharing the message is so appreciated. Thanks! -Karmel Larson
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking time to comment. Blogging is amazing! Thanks especially for promoting such positive values for society. It's an uphill battle and I applaud your courage and strength, while being a great mom yourself. Of course that is what makes you a great mom...