Every year our Stake (division of our church) performs a musical extravaganza as part of the Special Needs Mutual. This is a most amazing production every year - this year involving 85 special needs "youth" (in this group "youth" is anyone age 12 to 100) and 50 volunteers and leaders. The participants love being part of it, having costumes and lines, put hours into rehearsals and promotions, and the leaders are outstanding. Every year they write a new program, arrange everything, direct a very diverse cast and make it happen on two consecutive nights to a packed house at the Regional Center. The audience loves it too. They always find a way to involve everyone and it is so enjoyable! This is not an event to be endured in supporting these special folks - they truly entertain us! Unfortunately I had to miss the play this year due to other commitments so I was thrilled to see this article with photos and a rundown of the program. Don't miss these delightful pictures.
There is no doubt in my mind that all these people are truly beloved children of God, here on a special mission to teach us how to love unconditionally.
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