
Sunday, June 14, 2009

State Parks - Tips for Today

Utah has some wonderful National Parks we're famous for, but there are also lots of great State Parks. Here's a website for information about some of the State's best kept secrets: Check out Rockin' Utah - a program to get families outdoors. It features fun events geared for families who don't usually do this sort of thing so they can have a fun experience and get off the couch. The acronym is ROCKIN' (Reaching Out Connecting Kids In Nature).

Goblin Valley (pictured) is a fun place to go where kids can run around playing hide and seek by moonlight (apparently full moon in spring and fall are the most popular times to go). They say it's a blast (and I have it on the best authority). The movie, Galaxy Quest was filmed here because of the otherworldly landscape. Click here for more info.

Another cool feature is that libraries have season passes for day trips to State Parks so you can check it out from the library and use it for free entrance (with a few exceptions like This is the Place and Antelope Island's causeway fee of $3).

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