
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Johnson Reunion '09 - The First Cousins

Kathy, Me with Colleen, Kevin, Carolyn, Craig, Cindy, Wendy, Gary (not quite in age order here - maybe by height?)

After... (about 45 years)
These are in age order - Kathy, Me, Carolyn, Kevin, Craig, Cindy, Gary, Colleen.
Betty, Wayne, and their posterity. By the time pictures came, most of my family had left (3 of them were out of town). We hadn't realized photo-shoots were planned.
Mom's in the center - she and Betty did the arranging, organizing, and planning
Sisters (my nieces) Felicia and Noelle - they swapped babies in this one
Craig, Leanne, Noelle, Toa & Maeva

What Aunt Betty does best
Peter (my uncle) asked his bluegrass group, The Lab Dogs to perform
They've got talent
"Grandpa" Craig (my bro)
Aubrey, Krista, Justin and I
Aunt Betty with some of the guys
Justin and I
Kesia teaching Polynesian dancing
A little bit crazy...
I left the reunion to attend the sold-out performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. I had to go. It was incredible and remains one of my favorites.


  1. Is the cousin line-up in age order? Nice pictures!

  2. Yes, it is. Just like we used to do when we were kids.

  3. Actually sometimes we lined up in size order... but this one was by age with a span of about 11 years (47 - 58)


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