
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Jordan's birthday dinner

This 10 course, traditional Japanese dinner was absolutely amazing! Here is one of our servers, Papa, Jordan and Kiyomi who was taping me (I think she was waiting for a "eewwww" reaction. Actually I found it just great, even if I was a bit suspicious. I had to put away my epidemiology hat and eat the raw fish - well some of it at least. It wasn't bad; you just have to put mind over matter I think. Knowing it is raw makes it harder. A friend advised me, "if it's still wiggling, don't eat it." So, I'm following that advice at least.
The little girls had their own plate of kid-friendly food. Of course these little girls eat anything so it's not exactly a "happy meal."
The first course consisted of appetizers (and a huge menu explaining the food - I couldn't read it of course). The appetizers included some kind of maybe clam with cheese sauce in a little shell (wonderful!), some sea urchin (kind of gross), a chicken thing and more unidentifiable stuff. The dinner was much more elegant than my description.
Next came the tray of raw fish - this included raw shrimp and more.
Part of the meal included a cook-it-yourself dish where you boil veggies and fish in water that has sea weed in it and sits on a fondue-style burner.
Chris, Papa, and Jordan
When we passed on the tea, they brought us a welcome glass of ice water.
Early the next morning (at least by 6 AM) we saw a little lady with a cart selling melons on the steps to the beach across from the hotel.
Chris ordered most of us a "western" breakfast. He figured we'd had enough fish already. Kiyomi and her dad were puzzled - how could you ever have enough fish?
A famous chef cooked our main course (fine shellfish delicacy, lightly broiled). Apparently it comes in white, another color (can't remember) and black with the black being the finest. This is what we had.

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