
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not a good year

I got news last night that my mom was robbed. I haven't been able to reach her but apparently she surprised one of them and chased him off but was not physically hurt. My brother and my aunt are nearby and they have been taking care of her. I'm grateful for that. The thieves took much - almost everything removable it sounds like - computer, TV, "dish" receiver (whatever!), recorder, computer, printer, suitcase, theater tickets, personal papers (probably going for her ID too). It is absolutely sickening. Just more sad, scary news. What a world we live in. At least it was a stranger robbing her; not someone she trusted who betrayed her trust. Somehow it helps not knowing the enemy personally. I prefer to think of the bad guys being somewhere out there; not so close to home.

I recently attended a personal protection lecture at my work. The presenter (ex-cop with many years experience) said what we all know. When the economy sucks, there is more crime. The focus was on car break-ins and theft (which my family has also experienced more than once) because of our work situation, arriving and leaving in the dark, etc. We get pretty complacent about these things but in this world we need to be a little bit paranoid. You just never know when someone will target you. Undoubtedly these thieves have watched her enough to know what was there, what they wanted, and when she was away. They knew she lived alone I'm sure. An little old(er) lady seems like an easy target and if they had wanted to hurt her they could have.

She had another theft when she was not at home a few years back. They were certain it was for drugs since they took her "strong box" where she had valuables, jewelry and cleaned out her medicine cabinet. The thieves had broken through her little doggy door and the police said they often send a child in to open the door. We were heartsick about that one but this time it was even worse. I can't imagine her stress. It is upsetting to know that even in a nice, established neighborhood, in broad daylight such things are happening around us. She has deadbolts but they pried and broke the lock on the window and got in that way.

This is just heartbreaking. If you are reading this, please find ways to be more careful in your home, work and car. I need to do the same.

A FB friend said she read an article that said to keep wasp spray around - at your desk, etc. because it doesn't look like a weapon but the foam stream works like a pepper spray. Interesting idea. I picked up a few cans at the end of summer on sale. (New knick-knack for every room of the house.)

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