
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Update on details

I spoke to my mom and she said the thieves got in through her kitchen window over her table. They pried the window lock and were able to slide it open. She chased the guy out of her house and through the back yard until he jumped over the back fence. She's one tough cookie. I'm so glad the guy didn't hurt her. He must have been left there to continue to prowl for valuables while the others took away the goods.

I was talking to Chris tonight and he said in all the time they've lived in Japan they've never known of anyone who had a car theft or really any theft. When I was there I noticed people parked their bikes in huge parking lots when they got on the train for their commute. They are not stolen, but quite safe just parked there. It's also amazing to me they can find theirs in the sea of bikes when they return at night.

Our family has had two car break-ins. Jon's was an attempted but failed theft which did lots of damage, and Ken's was stolen from his covered parking lot at work. My mom has been robbed twice and Chris was robbed when he was here in the states. My friend at work had her car stolen - twice! That's too many in my little circle. It's downright frightening. Does anyone have experience with alarm systems?

1 comment:

  1. my neighbor is a big wig salesman for APX alarms...many of my neighbors' use them....If I remember right, the install is like 99.00 but then you sign a 5 yr. contract, which is what they all do I think....can't remember the cost for monthly monitoring...I want to say 30 ish dollars a month? I think it depends on what you have monitored.


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