
Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's worth it

Julia Shumway, writing for Mormon Times writes about relationships - as a single.  Here's an excerpt from today's article:

"When searching for a spouse, you’re looking for someone with whom you can comfortably traverse the twists and turns of life — and eternal life. Sometimes the problems with a relationship are obvious from the beginning, but being caught up in the moment, you jump in and hang on, only to find that you can’t get very far without feeling crushed or off balance.

...To be honest, there’s a chance of an uncomfortable journey no matter how much research you do. And sometimes you do your research and weigh your options, and it turns out that a quirky, apparently precarious situation fits your needs perfectly.

I guess what I'm trying to say is you can’t really know how a relationship is going to turn out from the beginning, but after you’ve done your research, weighed your options with past experience, and have an idea that neither a motor vehicle collision nor heartbreak are imminent, all you can really do is try it out."

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