
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

They come and they go...

Jon & Karla are just about ready to roll. They're heading across the U.S. and they're only taking what will fit in these two vehicles. (Since the photo was taken, Ken and Justin helped Jon get new shocks and altered the hitch so the weight is carried better now.) He got such a good deal on this older travel trailer that it made more sense than renting a U-haul. It's a squeeze, but they've done it. I can't tell you how upsetting it is that they are taking the little girls! It's one thing for adult children to pursue their life paths, wherever they take them, but there should be a law against taking small children away from their grandmother!
They hope to sell this car ASAP so they can afford the gas. This delayed their trip a little bit because they have to get temporary registrations for the new vehicles and by the time they got the money for everything, they were stuck because Utah State offices are closed on Friday. Now they must wait for Monday.

1 comment:

  1. ugh. that's hard....I hope everything works out for them in SC.


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